Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dark Side

Dark Side
     Our dark side for empath's is more ugly then most normal people's are.  Mine came out tonight rearing it ugly face at a dear friend of mine.  How dare it?  How dare I?  Not pulling it back when I should have I know what damage it can do yet I let it lose.  What kind of person does that make me a human one but that is no excuse.Some was hurt and felt attacked by my dark side which I do not know why was born or when exactly but I am aware of it being there all too well.  I think it may have come from sensing the dark side in others and formed as a defense and weapon.  When feeling a truly dark person my dark side will come out hitting them right back with darkness and in truth not real sure if that is a true defense but it can help me not absorb their dark energy.  I used to absorb emotions of others all to well and not release at all which was not the smartest thing for me to do.  I tended to in the past not truly care about the consequence's of my dark side because I wanted others in as much pain as I was in.  Not very nice of me I know but sometimes the path takes over what is right and allows you to easily fall into the bad kind of darkness that ends up striking at those you care about the most.  The unknown realm of empath's is where I roam upon but I am more careful to not do harm.  However tonight I was careless for that I should scold myself and fell guilty as well as take the responsibility of hurting a dear friend.  Any time you mess with the paranormal gifts you should take every precaution never to do harm to another there is no excuse for it even for defense purpose's.

     Empath's life is filled with emotions of everyone you meet along with your own and sometimes can be so overwhelming you feel that you belong in a insane asylum.  Feeling their dark painful emotions take you into their world of pain for which as some never get out of.  I was lucky in the way that dark people didn't enter my life until my adult years when I was more mature to handle it.  I also got used to sensing emotions so much sometimes I can block out one's that are not major emotional storms.  But when coming in contact with grief that is something I can never get used to feeling.  It feels like a major violation to be because that is something private and should not be shared by a stranger.  Grief never truly ever goes away and we do start living again only with a hole where our loved had left behind.  I want to not sense the darkness of death coming for another that is something I also shall never get over.  Knowing that people die suffering is a horrid thing to feel and not being able to save them is madding at times.  I wanted to be normal for so long but now I am just wanting to be my and that means dealing with my dark side and the darkness of sensing death.  I may not like it but it is a part of whom I am.  I'm trying to turn that dark into light it is not always easy but I shall keep trying.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Face's in the dark

Face in the dark
Sometimes strange things happen so often that it becomes normal to a person until something new is thrown into the mix of things.  Lately something new was thrown into the mix of my life which shouldn't surprise me but actually does but at the moment not sure if this is good or bad.  Having a radar as I call it doesn't always get the message through clearly to me or perhaps it is more like I don't have to code to crack the message.  Recently I was in the hospital and after that experience I have noticed a change that would make most people feel even weirder then normal but for me however I don't feel that way.  But then again I have always never fit in the standard norm of the scheme of things.  I can sense things about a person that most would never want to even imagine nor would wish upon my worst enemy.  It is so strange to be able to sense death coming for someone I care about or never met nor shall meet due to social status.  But then again whom really wants to be associated with a weirdo like me whom can tell when you will die.  Granted not all the time do people think I'm a weirdo but I feel having this gift prevents me from truly being able to get close to another person.  Now I am seeing faces of many people whom I feel are alive in this world without knowing I shall embrace what is to come now.  After all being afraid of something new is nothing to  fear because you won't know what it about unless you do face what is called the unknown it may surprise you to explore the Realms of the Unknown.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A paranormal day.

Ghost Bride.
     Sun rises each day to begin anew as it does all the days we walk this Earth but this day was going to be far from the normal usual day.  It began before climbing out of bed with footsteps in the hallway around 4 a.m. to which had no physical being attached to them.  Then a small girls voice asked me a single and simple question, are you happy?  I answered honestly for the first time since it was not the first time I heard her ask this question but the first time I answered honestly.  Then the last straw broke when a not so nice spirit blew in my ear in a very uncomfortable way pissing me off.  I told him to leave and not come back ever for I was not in the mood for a spirit to play that way with me.

     I'm what is known as a empath whom at times in life feels like a grim reaper due to sensing when death comes for those I care about and people I shall never meet.  Not something to brag about just is a part of whom I am.  I sense Spirits and talk with them causing most people to say, SAY WHAT?  Lol, it doesn't matter what they think or if it can be proven or not but science.  I learned long ago there were going to be more days to come and I know now that I can handle it any bad Spirit but I don't fool myself.  I know when or cannot handle one and then ask upon my protector guides to help me escort them out and to keep them out.  Sensing cancer within the body is pleasant but I accept it as part of my gift and if I can help another with my gift then I shall but if not I shall ask they be guided to the one whom can.  Life is a wonderful journey and this day is far from over.  That night as the moon rose the Spirits for there was a little boy wanting to be noticed and another lady wanting to help but not sure how.  I feel that everyone living or deceased that we are meant to help them with their life journey or after life journey.  So I talked to them get their message to whom it is meant for and I don't mind if it appears that I am insane I rather like being nor normal.  I love whom I am and that night one last note and spirit walked through on his way to crossing over.  If it was the person I am thinking of I hope his crossing was smooth although my heart goes out to his Mother left behind.